It has been a fun month for us, but busy. We started out the month with a visit to Texas to watch Jake's sister graduate high school. It was a nice few days, but Gabriel's favorite part of the visit was definitely Pippy the puppy. They became great friends, and they loved to kiss. Okay, it's kinda gross, but very cute. Pippy would run up to Gabriel, and G would open wide for a big kiss and giggle like crazy!
We had a layover in Austin, so we had a quick visit with some of my family as well. I got to see my little sister, my mom and my step dad. We also drove up to Rogers to see my Grandma, and Gabriel got a quick visit with his cousin, Aubrey. Gabriel loooooved feeding her cookies!
Although it was a quick trip to Texas, Gabriel grew in leaps and bounds! He did great on the planes (we rode 6 planes in all!) and he slept very well in his pack and play. He loved on everybody and showed off his tricks! He even learned to make bubbles with an electric bubblemaker and a bubble wand and he walked up a small flight of steps without holding on or climbing!!! In Wimberley with my parents, Gabriel got his first little red wagon and he looooved it! We rode around and watched the deer (although G tried his hardest to abandon ship and run after the deer). We even took a little trip down to the river and played on the rocks and in the water. Yay!
Once we got home, we went to our first strawberry farm and picked berries in the scorching heat. Gabriel got a little fussy, but then he realized that all these red things we'd been picking were edible!!! He was much happier after he discovered that!
Gabriel and the Pippy puppy kiss in Amarillo
Angie, Gabriel, and Aunt A'Landra go for a tree climb
A Mama deer and three babies

A ride in the Radio Flyer


Gabriel loooooved Gramma Alice's bird bath!

Gabriel climbing the stairs and telling us all about it

Feeding cousin Aubrey
Angie and Gabriel at the Strawberry Farm
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