Well, I am almost a small business owner... only a couple weeks and it should be final. I taught my first class today and loved it!!! The weather was perfect, we had a nice sized class, and we ended class with an impromptu picnic. Gabriel and Clara were awesome... G behaved and played quietly the entire time, although I think he was fascinated at how much and how loudly I was talking! Clara cried each time we stopped for the first half of class, but slept through the rest. Whew! I was so relieved that my kiddoes are so wonderful :).
Gabriel has been having quite a fun summer so far. We started with a trip to Amarillo, then m

y parents brought their camper up for a visit. We enjoyed a visit with them here in Frederick and then in Gettysburg, and Clara had her first swim in a real pool! She went underwater and everything!!! We've been on a Thomas the Tank Engine ride through Amish country, and he's experienced his first big boy moonbounce, although he was too busy lecturing the other children to slide down the slide alone (we had to

get other children to push him down!). And besides growing veggies and picking tons of green tomatoes, he makes sure the worm population doesn't get out of control... poor worms! And today he learned how to wrestle with his friend Dominic! Even when G got accidentally kicked in the face, he just looked up and said "we are being funny!" I was about to grab him and cuddle him, but instead I was so proud that he was tough and having fun!
Clara is growing in leaps and bounds, and I am

amazed at how much she learns each day. She rolled over from her back to her tummy twice today! Her giggles and laughs are contagious, and she thinks her big brother is hilarious :). He still adores her, although he can still be a bit too rough. And she SLEEPS! Hooray!!!
Here are a bunch of fun pics for you. Enjoy!

Gabriel loves to make Clara laugh!

Thomas the Tank Engine!!!

Cranking the Cranky Cars all by himself

The Strasburg Railroad Steam Engine

Thomas made out of Leggos!!!