Gabriel is an awesome little grocery shopping helper! He usually has his own mini-shopping basket to push when we go to the Giant, but if we're in a hurry Clara will sit up top and Gabriel gets to sit in the big part of the basket.
The other day we were in a hurry, so Gabriel was riding in the basket. He was helping me count out veggies, when he spied the tomatoes. He loooooves picking tomatoes, playing with tomatoes, and smushing tomatoes. He doesn't really like eating them, which is weird since he likes them so much.
Anyway, he was desperate to buy tomatoes. Unfortunately for him, we have a ton at home! I grew plum and grape tomatoes, and our neighbor just brought over a bunch of red and green and yellow full sized tomatoes that she had left over.
Gabriel picked up a tomato and said "pleeeeeease?! We neeeeed this tomato," in his cutest little begging voice. I said, "Gabriel, we don't need anymore tomatoes. We have enough at home already. Ms. Karen just brought some over, we just picked some, and there are more that we haven't even picked yet. We have tomatoes coming out of our ears!!!"
Gabriel's mouth dropped open, he dropped the tomato, and then he quickly grabbed his ears! He looked at me and said, "there are some tomatoes in there!"
Later on I told Jake the story. Jake looked at Gabriel and asked, "what's that in your ear?" Gabriel grabbed his ears and yelled, "TOMATOES!!!"